The third first-year set to attend Jujutsu Tech arrives in Tokyo, fulfilling a dream she shared with a friend named Saori. Outside the train station in Harujuku, Yuji and Megumi wait to meet with her. Yuji wonders why their class is so small and also inquires about believing he was the third first-year to arrive that the school. Megumi explains the new student's acceptance was granted a while ago and jujutsu students are pretty rare.

Gojo arrives and compliments Yuji on his new uniform, while also revealing that he custom ordered it with a hood. By the new girls request, they're set to meet in Harujuku. She notices a man scouting out models and angrily requests to be interviewed. Gojo calls out to her and she's freaked out by his strange blindfold. After putting her things in the coin locker she introduces herself as Nobara Kugisaki. She adds that the boys that are lucky to have her as the woman of their group.

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