Thought to be dead, within Yuji's corpse his mind still exists within Sukuna Innate Domain. Pleased with himself, Sukuna sits atop a mountain of skulls and tells the brat not to look up at him without permission. Irritated, Yuji simply replies that Sukuna should come down so he can look down on him. Sukuna feels like Yuji is being hostile which is obviously due to the fact that the curse essentially killed him. Yuji believes they're in the afterlife and is determined to punish Sukuna.

Yuji begins fighting against Sukuna but is quickly overwhelmed. Sukuna explains that this is not the afterlife and they're still in a suspended state of existence within Sukuna's mind. He wants to strike a deal with Yuji to fix his heart and asks for two conditions. The first being that he can use Yuji's body for a minute after using a key phrase and the second is that Yuji forgets this conversation. Yuji refuses to lend his body ever again, but Sukuna promises not to hurt anyone within that minute. Even so, Yuji doesn't believe Sukuna will uphold his side of the bargain.

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